Whakaari Conservation Area


Client: Department of Conservation – Wakatipu Area
Date of Project: 2006 – 2007
Graphic design: GoAnna Design

To produce innovative interpretive media about the history of scheelite mining, linked to key sites along a 2.5 hour day walk, up to the Bonnie Jean Hut and Mine.

An interpretation concept plan was produced in liaison with DOC and the Glenorchy Battery Association. A strong emphasis was placed on being sympathetic to the dramatic landscape setting and the nature of the industry (scheelite mining) in terms of possible design and materials to be used.

A ‘rustic’ entrance kiosk was built to house the orientation signage and introductory interpretation panels complete with railway iron surrounds.

Overall, seven onsite panels were produced, a self-guided brochure, taking in six key historic sites along the walk, and two flip files, located in two of the main historic huts en route. Oral history quotes from miners and their families made up a significant proportion of the written texts.

Orinetation panel, Wyuna kiosk.JPG